Projects "ACF"

Public regional hearings " the Reasons of corruption in Ukraine and ways of their overcoming " together with Committee VR of Ukraine " Concerning struggle against corruption and the organized crime " (Chairman of Committee Stretovich V.N.) . The scientific report " corruption in Ukraine " is more detailed than rules of law

Carrying out of sociological researches within the limits of activity of international public organization Transparency International and the Kiev international institute of sociology. Promulgation of data of research in mass-media. more in detail

Seminar " Experience of struggle against corruption at a regional level. Development of network interaction " with participation of representatives of regions of Ukraine, Russia and Belorussia. Exchange of the best practices. The joint memorandum of interaction.

Creation of association of regional public organizations of the Dnepropetrovsk area. more in detail

Round table " Corruption and youth. Corruption and the future of youth ". With participation of students of the Dnepropetrovsk HIGH SCHOOLS 3-4 levels of accreditation.

The organization of exit items(points) of trust and legal consultations in areas of the Dnepropetrovsk area. Acquaintance of active workers with the legislation of Ukraine on struggle against corruption, formation of regional branches " ACF "

The Dnepropetrovsk regional forum " For spiritual development of the nations " with participation of representatives of religious faiths, representatives of the state structures and public the organizations.

Restoration ... more in detail

Monitoring of a level of corruption in sphere of formation(education) and a science.

Carrying out of week festival " we Shall stop corruption together ". The Open door with participation of representatives of authorities, the GAI, supervising and judicial bodies. Poll about most corruption's sectors of the Ukrainian society. Development of effective methods of counteraction of corruption. Подробнее

ОThe organization of round-the-clock work of telephone hotlines "ACF" during sessions. Creation of student's branches " ACF ". Carrying out of воспитательно-preventive work among youth and students.

Development and introduction of the unique concept on struggle against corruption " Spirituality against defect ". Acquaintance of the public with the main principles, the developed concept, through national mass media. more in detail

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